10 juni 2021, 11:38
Vanaf 19 september hoor je de 90's Top 810 op Radio 10! Kom alvast in de stemming met dit 90's soundboard vol herkenbare geluiden uit de jaren negentig.
Bron MSN: Microsoft | Bron Nickelodeon: ViacomCBS | Bron Fresh Prince of Bel Air: NBC | Bron SEGA: Sega Group Corporation | Bron Warner Bros: Warner Bros. Pictures Group | Bron Windows 95: Microsoft | Bron Playstation 1: Sony | Bron Kuifje: Hergé | Bron Thx Digitally Mastered: Razer Inc. | Bron Beavis and Butthead: MTV | Bron Game Boy: Nintendo | Bron You had me at hello: Jerry Maguire | Bron Bugs Bunny: Warner Bros. Pictures Group | Bron Sony Ericsson: Sony Mobile | Bron Houston, we have a problem: Apollo 13 | Bron Mario: Nintendo | Bron Homer Simpson: The Simpsons, Fox Broadcasting Company | Bron Hasta la vista, baby: Terminator 2: Judgement Day | Bron To infinity and beyond: Toy Story, Pixar | Bron Nokia: Nokia, Microsoft | Bron Keep the change you filthy animal: Home Alone, Angels With Dirty Faces | Bron That 'll do pig, that 'l do: Babe |
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